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Half a million pounds of feces headed to PEI

Aerial photo of a fur farm in Nova Scotia by John Horton
The provincial approval of $4,000,000 in loans to a PEI fur farm stinks – literally. With the development of a new farm in Haliburton, there will soon be nearly four pounds of poo per person in the small island province.

According to a short article by the CBC, the farm will house 10,000 mink in a “state-of-the-art” facility. That many mink will produce approximately 440,000 pounds of feces per year – the population of PEI is less than 150,000.

While environmental officers in PEI note they will monitor the farm’s activities once it is operational, they need not look farther that Nova Scotia, where river systems are being damaged beyond repair by the presence of similar farms. Numerous studies from around the world show the environmental damage wreaked by fur farms. The lives led by the poor souls in these facilities is also bleak, being kept in small cages and killed for their pelt as soon as they are fully grown.

We hope the government of PEI recognizes that the short-term tax revenue they may receive from this endeavour cannot replace the long-term health of their province, or its residents.

Learn the truth about fur farms and add your voice to the many.

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