On Monday, October 3, 2011, Lesley Fox, Executive Director from the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals will be making a presentation to Surrey’s City Council.
Our Association will be urging Surrey to ban all body-gripping traps including the leg-hold, Conibear and snare trap.
This action is in response to a recent incident of a raccoon that was found struggling in a leg-hold trap in the 9700 block of 155 Street in Surrey, BC.
The raccoon’s paw was crushed and mangled. Infection was present all the way up to the elbow. It is unknown at this time where the raccoon was trapped and how long he was suffering.
Sadly, due to the extent of his injuries, the raccoon was euthanized.
We need your support – help us ban cruel traps.
If you live in Surrey, BC please join us to show your support.
Surrey City Council
Public Meeting
Monday, Oct 3 at 4:30pm
14245 – 56th Avenue
Surrey, BC