Help stop U of Calgary from using leg-hold traps

UPDATE (Apr 24/13): We have received a response from Alastair Cribb, DVD PhD, Dean, Calgary Faculty of Med who said, “There is currently no active capturing, by any means, of animals in the Urban Coyote Project. The formal animal ethics review processes of the University are underway to consider the methods in this project and alternatives. A decision will be rendered that respects animal welfare, the processes of the University, and ensures merit.”

We thank everyone who has written and we will continue to monitor the situation.

BACKGROUND: Researchers lead by Dr. Alessandro Massolo at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Calgary are using so-called “padded” leg-hold traps to trap coyotes. The animals are then fitted with radio collars and are released. The purpose is to study how parasites are passed from coyotes to dogs in parks around Calgary.

This is completely unacceptable. Researchers need to put ethics back in science. Alternatives must be pursued.

All leg-hold traps, no matter how they are designed, are intended to hold a wild animal who will fight for their life. Wild animals don’t want to be trapped and they will do everything in their power to try and escape. Furthermore, using leg-hold traps puts other animals including birds, pets and people at risk. These devices are extremely dangerous.

Don’t be fooled by so-called “padded” or “soft” catch traps. Just recently, a coyote was found in a “padded” trap suffering from broken bones and teeth.

Please speak out against this cruelty. Contact the University of Calgary, department of Veterinary Medicine:

Tel: 403-210-39611
[email protected]


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