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Humane fur? Dutch advertising authority says no way

racoon dog

Dutch clothing company Airforce will have to ditch their labels that claim the raccoon dog fur they use as trim is ‘ethical,’ ‘responsible,’ and humane following a decision from the national advertising authority.

Amsterdam-based non-profit Boon voor Dieren celebrated the decision by the Advertising Code Commission (RCC) in late July, noting that consumers will be able to make a more informed decision about fur products as a result.

“Airforce states on the labels that the fur is from controlled fur farms where the animals are bred in a humane way,” Boon voor Dieren states on their website. “However, the fur used by Air Force is from the Tongxiang Chinese Region.This region is known for its fur production… research shows that there is no control over fur farming in China, and specifically this region.There are hardly any rules in China for keeping animals for their fur and no controls are taking place.”

Media outlet Trouw explained the decision by the advertising authority simply: “the company has no grounds for claiming that fur, derived from raccoon dogs, is ethical and responsible.”

This kind of humane-washing (using subjective, unregulated terms like humane and ethical for marketing purposes) is common with the fur industry around the world and in Canada. With your support, we will combat this trend, and #MakeFurHistory.

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