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I want to end fur farming in Canada. Where do I start?

A picture of a red fox
A red fox in the Canadian wild. Photo by Tammy Oates / Getty Images

British Columbia ended mink fur farming in late 2021, but the farming of several other species in the province, and mink fur farming across Canada, remain legal.

The amount of information – and suffering – that can be witnessed by an animal lover is overwhelming. Frequently, The Fur-Bearers are contacted by individuals who have learned the truth of how animals are kept in small, wire-bottomed cages only to be anally electrocuted or gassed to death for their fur. With this upsetting realization, people want to take action to end fur farming – and we’ve put together this article to help you get started.

The following are tips from our team of advocates and experts on how you can get up to speed and take action to help make fur farming history in Canada:

  1. Get educated! Each province has their own policies regarding fur farming; visit our microsite at for BC-specific information, for general information, and be sure to look up the National Farm Animal Care Council codes for mink and fox. These codes were adopted into law in British Columbia as ‘acceptable practices’, but are voluntary elsewhere in Canada.
  2. Get talking and sharing! Simply talking about fur farming and sharing fact-checked content created by The Fur-Bearers helps educate people not just in your circles, but ultimately around the world. Click here to see our latest blogs and stay up to date with email alerts by clicking here.
  3. Learn who the animals really are. Get to know who mink, fox and other fur-bearers are on our What’s a Fur-Bearer page. This will help you advocate for who these animals really are, as opposed to the commodity the fur industry sees them as.
  4. Support our efforts. From printing brochures to expensive FOIs and public opinion surveys, we require reliable, ongoing resources. Becoming a Defender for $5 a month and getting a charitable tax receipt in return at the year end is a great way to support our efforts and end up benefitting yourself come tax time. Click here to get started (we can accept PayPal this way, too).
  5. Talk to your MPP/MLA/MP. We encourage people to utilize our one-click action alert forms when possible (click here to see them), but directly reaching out to your political representatives and requesting a meeting to discuss fur farming can have a significant impact and cause more focus on the issue.
  6. Take Action on Bill C-247. A brand new bill introduced on February 8, 2022, that would see an end to fur farming in Canada. Click here to learn more and take action!

We believe these six steps can get anyone started in helping to #MakeFurHistory in Canada, and bring fur farming to an end. You can always check our action alert page here for more, and be sure to sign up for eNewsletters to get updated on them as they arise.

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