Is Canada Goose conning teens?

As many of our supporters may recall, earlier this year an 11-year-old girl was turned away at the office of Canada Goose CEO Dani Reiss when she arrived to offer him ideas on fur alternatives for his clothing line. The company has continually dismissed legitimate public concern (in the form of demonstrations, letters, postcards and even a subway ad campaign) and remains silent on their use of coyote fur.

Recently, a teenager who went on an educational expedition to the Arctic has been asked to represent the company as a youth ambassador.

Young Micha May wrote in a blog about his experience seeing polar bears and whales. It’s a touching example of a youth learning about the world around him. We wonder if he’d still be writing – and supporting Canada Goose – if he knew the company is responsible for the cruel slaughter of tens of thousands of wild animals every year.


While Dani Reiss has tried to buy his way into”wildlife conservation,” there is no doubt that if he could turn a profit on polar bears the way he can with coyotes, they’d be in his sights as well.
We wonder if Micha May and other teens his age have been given the whole truth by their corporate sponsors. Do they know the pain and suffering caused by the trappers who destroy wild families and irrevocably damage the environment? Do they know that the massive profits made by Canada Goose are only causing more and more wild animals to be killed?

And do they know that it is up to their generation to bring an end to this cruel practice, once and for all?

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