Is ‘forgive and forget’ the new enforcement policy in Quebec?

The photos and videos are horrifying: fox and mink in dire straits, sick and injured, awaiting their deaths at a Quebec fur farm. The Montreal SPCA wants criminal charges laid and all animals removed. That support is echoed by tens of thousands of animal welfare advocates and animal-loving citizens. But the Ministry of Forests, Fauna and Parks are taking a different approach.

Forgive and forget.

That’s right – even though there is a clear case for animal cruelty charges, an MFFP veterinarian told media outlets yesterday that the owner has cleaned up his act and offered water and basic care to the animals.

It’s kind of like looking at a convicted drunk driver who killed someone in a car crash and saying, “well, you promise to do better from now on, right?”

The animals didn’t magically begin to suffer when the Montreal SPCA showed up. This kind of neglect and abuse takes time to build up and fester. That no criminal charges are forthcoming, and that the provincial government thinks simply “trying harder” makes everything ok – and makes the animals suddenly ok, too – is offensive.

Add on that this investigation was revealed only days after Minister of Agriculture Pierre Paradis announced that he wants to improve the quality of animals’ lives in the province and it borders on the ridiculous.

We need your help. The animals need your help. Click this link and find out how to contact the MFFP and demand action. Forward this to your friends, family, co-workers and neighbours. If we make enough noise, they will listen. Join the chorus against animal cruelty on fur farms.

Photos, videos and more details can be found here.

Photo provided by Jo-Anne McArthur/Montreal SPCA

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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