Registration for this event has ended.
The Fur-Bearers are inviting you to join us for a fur farm webinar and panel on July 12, 2021 at 4 pm PT.
The event, hosted by The Fur-Bearers via Zoom, will feature numerous perspectives and expertise on a variety of subjects related to fur farming in British Columbia and internationally, as well as the concerns related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
The event is free to attend, but pre-registration (click here) is required.
Featured speakers include:

Dr. Sara Dubois is Chief Scientific Officer for the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, where she leads four teams of staff experts in animal welfare science, policy, education and advocacy (Companion, Farm & Wildlife Welfare, AnimalKind Accreditation). Over the past two decades, she has worked on issues ranging from wildlife rehabilitation and oil spill response, to captive wildlife welfare, exotic pet legislation, urban wildlife conflict, animals in entertainment and wildlife management issues. She has assisted in wildlife cruelty investigations and previously attended mink farms in the Fraser Valley. Dr. Dubois holds a B.Sc. from the University of Victoria and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. She is a Registered Professional Biologist in BC and serves as Adjunct Professor at the UBC Animal Welfare Program.

Kukpi7 (Chief) Judy Wilson is currently an Executive member of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, which is comprised of over half of the 203 communities in British Columbia, Canada. In her role she is committed to rectifying the displacement, dispossession and oppression caused by the colonial doctrine of discovery and paternalistic legislation and policies forced on Indigenous Nations. She is a fierce advocate for the recognition of inherent Title and Rights and the assertion of Indigenous jurisdiction and stewardship over their lands, waters, and resources. Standing up against exploitative, dangerous resource extraction projects that threaten irreplaceable biodiversity and wildlife, she firmly believes in adhering to the principles of sustainability, conservation, and reconciliation in order to protect sacred waters, lands, fish, animals, and traditional ways for generations to come. For over 25 years, Kukpi7 Wilson has also been a staunch advocate for Indigenous women and girls, participating in provincial, national, and international forums to raise awareness of the systemic violence in Canada that continues to disproportionately harm Indigenous families and communities.
Kukpi7 Wilson has also served her community and the Neskonlith Indian Band for 13 years as Chief and for 8 years as a Council member. She is also greatly involved in a number of boards and committees; currently, she is involved with: Union of BC Indian Chiefs Executive (Secretary-Treasurer), First Nations Leadership Council, Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee of Lands, Terrtories & Resources, AFN Climate Change Committee, AFN Child & Family Chiefs Committee, BC Canada Tripartite Children & Family Working Group, Provincial Joint Core Working Group (Commitment Document), BC Specific Claims Working Group, Rural BC Centre (Advisory), House of the Moon (Advisory MMIWG2S), Global Indigenous Council (Secretary-Treasurer) and several other community-based committees.

Dr. Jan Hajek is an infectious diseases specialist at Vancouver General Hospital and a clinical assistant professor at University of British Columbia.
In Vancouver, his clinical work concentrates on tropical diseases and the treatment of severe bacterial diseases among persons with substance use disorder and homelessness. In 2014 he worked with WHO in West Africa to respond to the Ebola outbreak and this past year he has worked on the COVID ward at VGH. He works for 2 months a year at a public teaching hospital in Gulu northern Uganda and provides ongoing support to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) as a TeleMedicine infectious diseases consultant.

Lesley Fox is the executive director for The Fur-Bearers and is passionate about wildlife. She is the co-founder of the Society for Humane Science and is the president and board chair for the Alberni Community and Women’s Service Society (ACAWS). Lesley is a certified Humane Education Specialist through the National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (NAHEE) and graduated with honours from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Public Relations, Marketing Communications and Non-Profit Management. She is currently finishing her Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies at Royal Roads University and lives with her partner on Vancouver Island.
Each speaker will have a 10-minute presentation, followed by time for questions and answers from the registered audience. There will be no graphic images shown during the webinar, though links to informative imagery and will be provided.
To register for the event please click here. No donation is required. You will receive further information regarding the Zoom links for this webinar in your email, so please select ‘I would like updates’ during the registration process.
We look forward to seeing you there.