Knock on your hood to keep animals safe

When Daisy was just a kitten when she was rescued from inside the engine of a truck in Windsor, Ontario. The owner of the truck was completely unaware she was there when he put the key in the ignition. When the truck started, the fan belt broke Daisy’s leg. Her injuries were so extensive, her leg was amputated as a result.

Sadly, incidents like these happen all the time.

On cold days cats and raccoons are drawn to the warmth of a recently parked car. They’ll crawl up into the engine and get cozy and fall asleep.

Starting your car with an animal near the engine is likely to end in serious injury or death.

Protect the animals, and yourself. Before starting your car, bang on the hood of your car or honk the horn. You can also take a quick look under your hood to make sure no one is in there!

Read more cold weather safety tips from the Ontario SPCA.

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