L.A. enacts fur sales ban

L.A. enacts fur sales ban

Los Angeles is officially going fur-free!

The City Council voted on an ordinance on Tuesday (February 12, 2019) that will go into effect in 2021. The ordinance will, according to the L.A. Times, make it “illegal to sell, manufacture or trade furs or fur clothing and accessories such as coats, handbags and key chains in L.A. city limits.”

There are some exemptions, such as selling at secondhand shops, selling or trading taxidermy animals, and fur taken from animals under a trapping license.

Fur sellers objected, as expected, claiming that city council had not made an effort to “educate themselves as to what the reality is.” Of course, it takes a simple google search or YouTube search to see the suffering animals endure on traplines or in tiny cages of industrial-style fur farms.

Kudos to L.A. city council for taking this step to help alleviate suffering of animals in the world and take us another step on the journey to #MakeFurHistory.

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