Leave a legacy for the animals with The Fur-Bearers

George and Bunty Clements legacy gift
As you read this sentence, animals are losing their lives to the cruel fur trade. How can you help?

By leaving The Fur-Bearers a gift in your will, you are ensuring that your deepest wishes to protect wildlife are being honoured.

You may remember George and Bunty Clements who provided leadership to The Fur-Bearers for much of their lives. They were dedicated to bringing an end to trapping and the fur trade, just like you are. When they passed, they left the association a legacy gift in their will to ensure the work they’d begun could continue on into the future.

However you wish to make it, you can be certain that a legacy gift in your will is truly the most effective way you can protect wildlife for generations to come. Whether your legacy gift is large or small, it will be valued greatly because it will help to provide a future where wildlife is protected as they deserve.

To let us know you’ve left a gift to The Fur-Bearers in your will, or to request more information, you can contact Lesley at [email protected] or 604-435-1850.

Types of Bequests

A residue of your estate

The residue of your estate after family and loved ones have been looked after

A percentage

A percentage of either the residue of your estate, or a percentage of your entire estate

A specific amount of cash

An asset

For example, real estate, jewellery, stock and bonds or other items

A conditional bequest

In the unlikely event that your beneficiaries don't survive you, you may wish to leave your estate to The Fur-Bearers

Please use the entire official name “The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals” when including us in your will.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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