Lessons to learn from the National Park Service

It was the tweet heard around the world.

Following reports of gag orders, the Badlands National Parks’ twitter account posted a few tweets about climate change – a topic contentious to the new American president and his administration. Despite a clear 97 per cent scientific consensus on the facts of climate change, the tweets by the Badlands National Park were deleted.

And that’s when it happened. News media picked up the story, social media users responded with a massive swell of support, and a long-discussed resistance was born. Since those original tweets, new accounts have popped up, supposedly run by employees of various science-based institutions, all in defiance of an administration allegedly trying to silence climate and other scientists.

This act of resistance had no violence, physical protest, or event faces – it simply has information. Facts, verifiable through observation and experimentation, are what is feared by those who want to control. The fur industry, for example, wants the public to believe their factory-style farms are humane – but observation, through photos and video, show that this isn’t true. They want the public to believe that traps are safe, but their own tests show an acceptable failure rate of 20%, and visual evidence illustrates the maiming and torture they can cause to fur-bearers and domestic pets.

The simple act of speaking out against those who want silence is powerful. With provable facts, and a strong ethical stance, we will speak every day for the animals – and we hope you will, too.

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