LUSH and Fur-Bearer’s Assoc. team up against fur

Coyote Mother and Pup
Christmas has come early for fur-bearing animals! Our good friends at LUSH have partnered with us to lend their voice to our Fur Trim is a Trap campaign.

This National campaign raises awareness of the suffering animals endure even for bits of fur trim, which seems popular on the hoods of coats and parkas. Companies like Canada Goose have seen success in peddling these products of cruelty, particularly in the city of Toronto (where Canada Goose is headquartered).

The folks at LUSH are one to never shy away from using their voice to speak out against animal cruelty – including the terrible fur trade.

For the month of December, they are turning all of their shops in Eastern Canada (25 shops in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia) into campaign centres. Customers can stop in to find out more about our Fur Trim is a Trap campaign, and they can sign postcard urging Dani Reiss, the CEO of Canada Goose asking him to stop using fur trim on his products.

LUSH says, “As one of the leading organizations working to bring an end to the fur trade, we had no hesitation when they asked if we would join their campaign to protect fur-bearing animals, and to put pressure on clothing companies to stop the sale of fur and fur trimmed clothing.”

In addition to the stores, there are a few more actions up our Santa sleeves….and details will be released shortly – but if you live in the Toronto area, you may want to come to the LUSH store on Queen/Spadina at 1:00pm on Tuesday, December 11, 2012.

Here are 5 things easy things that you can do to participate in our Fur Trim is a Trap campaign:

1. Don’t wear fur or fur-trimmed clothing.

2. Don’t support fashion brand that sells items made with fur, and tell them why you’re boycotting their brand. A refusal to financially support a company is more powerful than you may realize.

3. Stop in to a LUSH store to sign a postcard urging Canada Goose to drop the fur trim, or simply use our handy e-mail form.

4. Join The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals and help continue our fight
to end the commercial fur trade.

On behalf of Canada’s fur-bearing animals, thank you – and thank you LUSH!!!

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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