LUSH Random Act of Charity will help to #MakeFurHistory

We love to give – it’s an absolutely wonderful feeling to see peoples’ faces light up when they receive a warm meal, a treasured photo, or even a hug when they need it most. It’s our favourite part of the holidays. But we won’t lie – receiving can be pretty great, too, and LUSH Cosmetics just never stops the giving!

On Monday, we received notice from LUSH that we would be given a gift as part of their Random Act of Charity project.

“We searched twitter feeds to locate people advocating for positive change in our selected partners' area of work,” explained LUSH Charitable Giving Liason Hilary Pickles in an email. “Once we found an advocate whose tweets aligned with our ethics, we notified our partner of the good news that we would be making a donation to their organization in the name of the advocate we found.”

LUSH didn’t intend to publicize these gifts – and they still haven’t. We had to poke them a few times, in fact, to get permission to write this blog!

As amazing as this surprise gift from LUSH Cosmetics truly is – and it will go a long way in helping our #MakeFurHistory campaign – we also have to thank Kim Zwicker, the advocate who tweeted about our campaign.

To carry it forward, we’ll be having a boxing week blow out of some of our popular store items starting on December 26 – so stay tuned!

Work like our growing #MakeFurHistory campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada where we can proudly say we were part of the change to #MakeFurHistory.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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