Malta bans fur farming!

American mink at Clover Point, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Photo by Daniel Lacy.

The island country of Malta becomes the latest country to ban fur farming! The government of Malta introduced amendments with an immediate effect that bans both fur farming and foie gras production. While there are no fur farms currently operating in Malta, the government noted the ban’s importance as a measure to protect animals.

With this ban, Malta joins a growing list of countries in Europe that have either banned fur farming or introduced legislation to prohibit the practice. There is currently a European Citizens’ Initiative underway to ban fur farming in the entire European Union, with hundreds of thousands of EU citizens calling for a Fur Free Europe.

Fur farming bans. Credit: Fur Free Alliance

What about Canada?

In 2021, British Columbia made history by becoming the first province in Canada to ban mink farming. But many fur farms are still operating across Canada despite the growing calls for the federal government to ban fur farming. It’s time for Canada to join others in the international community and move fur farming into the past.

To take action and be part of the movement to end fur farming in Canada, go to our action page where we have developed a citizen engagement toolkit for people to meet with their Member of Parliament (MPs) and discuss their concerns about fur farming.

Visit our page at

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