#MammothMovement is gaining traction as people fall in love with fur-free coats

It’s not often we actually jump up and down at the sight of a sale (unless it’s chocolate-covered coffee beans, at which point we need to literally tackle certain unnamed executive directors). But with the success of the Mammoth Outerwear Kickstarter, we really are jumping for joy.

James Yurichuk, a professional football player for the Toronto Argonauts, is the co-founder of the company who has dedicated a portion of proceeds from all sales to The Fur-Bearers. The winter jackets (including parkas and bombers) are entirely animal-free (no down or fur) and are made in Canada.

Hear more about the #MammothMovement on the Defender Radio podcast

Their Kickstarter has surpassed the minimum to guarantee all those who purchase a jacket exclusively through this campaign, and now it’s building momentum for future product lines. Even if you can’t purchase a jacket today, you can contribute to the campaign and know that for every one Mammoth jacket sold, The Fur-Bearers’ campaigns like #MakeFurHistory and Living With Wildlife get a boost. And every animal-free parka worn in Canada means one more animal living freely in the wild.

To learn more about Mammoth Outerwear and why you should get involved in their Kickstarter, click here. We’re proud to be working with this Canadian company and can’t wait to see the great things we do together in the future.

Work like our growing #MakeFurHistory campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada where we can proudly say we were part of the change to #MakeFurHistory.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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