Meet volunteer writer Ana Giovanetti

Help us welcome volunteer writer Ana Giovanetti!

Note: Ana Giovanetti is one of The Young Defenders’ and The Fur-Bearers’ volunteer writers. In this article, Cassandra introduces herself. We’re looking forward to more!

By Ana Giovanetti

Volunteer writer

Originally from Argentina, I’m a wildlife conservation biologist with a passion for sociology and human-wildlife coexistence. What keeps me up at night is how environmental degradation affects those that work and reside in wild spaces. Through an MRes in Wildlife Conservation from the University of Southampton, I worked with tribal communities in Kenya’s Serengeti region finding ways to graze their cattle alongside wildlife while promoting biodiversity and meeting cultural and economic needs. For unless we understand both human and wildlife needs, we can make little provisions for them.

My career in conservation began with a BSc from UBC in Applied Animal Biology with a heavy emphasis on animal welfare in the livestock industry. Graduate school was where I truly fell in love with the social dimensions of conservation. After my studies, I found myself in rural Zambian developing a volunteer and community initiative within a chimpanzeesanctuary. It was people, wildlife and the environment in one beautiful package. Having returned to British Columbia, I’m fiercely dedicated to merging lessons learned from the African savannahs with conservation issues on Canadian soil.

With an interest in bridging the gap between current research and nature lovers, I bring with me an affinity for science and for creating accessible environmental content. A graphic design enthusiast – albeit novice – I look forward to creating visually pleasing and inspiring articles with strong calls to action. Finally, I have a passion for fundraising and development in the conservation arena, finding way for nature enthusiasts to create actionable change through philanthropic goals. I look forward to further exploring in this area.

I’ve always had a soft spot for coyotes (Canis latrans),found in the General Vancouver area. Generalist species fascinate me. Generalists take advantage of available resources and are adaptable to the madness that is urbanization. Some scientists believe that these species will be the true survivors of the Anthropocene – the current geological age where humans gravely influence the climate and environment. Generalists are really an inspiring wildlife group.

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