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Men brave flooded field to save fox in Saskatchewan

It is a troubling time in Saskatchewan. Floods of epic proportions are devastating homes and communities. Families are being displaced – and not just those with two legs. Wildlife – and domestic animals – are being devastated by the floods, too.

However, there are those brave few who will risk everything to protect the lives of not just their family and friends, but their wild neighbours, too.

The CBC has reported on two extraordinary men who rescued a fox from certain death during the storms.

Colin Graham, a homeowner near Welwyn, Saskatchewan, had been watching a family of foxes all spring, the story noted.

“[They] have been sitting out on this rock pile near our house for all spring," he told the CBC. "My sister wondered what happened to the foxes, so we drove out there and there was just one rock sticking out of the top of the water."

Atop that rock, which was surrounded by water as deep as eight feet, was a single fox.

Graham and a friend, Jordan Olsen, swam as far as 75 metres to try and rescue the fox, who was not too enthusiastic about the furless humans trying to snag him.

"When I first got there, he had a little bit of energy and he bailed off the rock and into the water and tried to swim away," Graham said in his interview. "But I was able to catch up to him."

The fox was no larger than a kitten, Graham noted. The pair took the fox home, dried him and warmed him up in blankets.

“We were driving later and we saw the mother out there so we took him back. They're reunited. I saw them running around the other day."

This young fox family may be the exception to the rule in what has been a devastating late summer of rain and floods. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost their homes, livelihoods and wild neighbours in Saskatchewan.

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