Mink lives with cats?

A weasel? Some kind of ferret? Maybe. But we’re betting that this furry little creature is a mink!


Few people have seen minks in the wild, but for the folks at the Port Colborne Feline Initiative, it is becoming a regular occurrence.

This group is an all volunteer organization operating a community spay/neuter program in the city of Port Colborne in the Niagara region of Ontario. Since program inception in June 2009 they have spayed/neutered over 350 cats. They currently have 2 programs: Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return for feral/unowned cats and a subsidized spay/neuter program for pet cats whose guardians qualify as low income. They also have a very small adoption program, focusing on kittens from feral colonies that are age appropriate for socialization.

Apparently, this little mink has been living in one of the cat colonies within the city limits. He (or she) has been with them now for about two months and the organization is hoping he will stay.


Volunteers from the Port Colborne Initiative say, “He seems to be dominate over the cats at this point in time. The cats let him/her have first crack at the feeding station. We have installed more than one feeding station and several shelters so no one has to feel that they have to fight over food and lodging.”

So, what is the story behind this brown mink? Was he/she from the wild or perhaps an escapee from a nearby fur farm? No one knows. We do know however, that he seems to have found a safe haven living with the cats!

Enjoy these pictures courtesy of Kristi and Wendy from the Port Colborne Feline Initiative. Please visit their Facebook page too 🙂

Thanks for sharing the photos, girls! Keep up your great work!





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