Montreal cat caught in leg-hold

Even in the middle of July, animals can still fall victim to painful leg-hold traps. Whether they are used year-round by municipalities to control so-called “nuisance” animals or whether they are set illegally, trapping doesn’t just happen in the winter.

PS – Leg-hold traps are still legal in every province, only the “toothed” leg-hold traps have been prohibited. Under the law, no warning signs are required. No identification tags on the traps are needed either.

Montreal cat caught in leghold trap may need to have paw amputated
As posted by the Montreal Gazette on July, 12, 2012 by Laura Beeston.
Photo courtesy of Montreal SPCA

A neighbourhood cat is receiving emergency medical care after being found under a Montreal North balcony with its front paw caught in a type of steel trap usually used to catch beavers, muskrat and lynx.

The cat, who SPCA workers christened Botté or Boots, might require amputation of the paw, but he is expected to recover. Boots is receiving care thanks to an emergency fund from public donations.

The focus now for the SPCA is to find who is responsible for setting the trap, which is approximately the size of a human hand, and then perhaps lay animal cruelty charges if intent to harm an animal can be found.

Boots, a male grey tabby, was found by the owner of the home with the balcony with no collar, microchip or identification. It is believed he wandered onto the woman’s property after being caught in the steel contraption, as the trap was unattached to anything but his swollen paw.

While a dossier with the SPCA’s Investigation Department has been opened, there are currently no suspects, and no sign of the animal’s owner. If no one comes forward to claim him, Boots will be put up for adoption when he makes a full recovery.

But what’s “scary” about this case for Alanna Devine, the SPCA’s Director of Animal Advocacy, is that the steel trap is one that the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Fauna considers “humane” under certain circumstances.

“This cat was in agony,” Devine said. “What (he) went through gives us an idea about what those other animals go through when these kinds of traps are set legally or with a hunting permit. It’s horrific.”

The SPCA will speak with neighbours in the area for leads, and encourages the community to contact [email protected] or 514-735-2711, extension 2230 with any information.”

Read more about pets (and children) getting caught in wildlife traps.

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