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Most British Columbians support mink fur farm closures

A mink on a BC fur farm.
A mink on a BC fur farm.

British Columbians strongly support the provincial government’s decision to close mink fur farms last year, new polling by the BC SPCA shows.

According to a news release from the BC SPCA, a Stratcom poll showed only 8%1 of residents from all regions of the province disagree with the closures, which were announced November 5, 2021.  

In the announcement that day, BC Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham noted that, “This decision follows the recommendations of public health officials and infectious disease experts about managing the threat of the virus for workers at the farms and the broader public.”

The phase out includes a permanent ban on breeding mink, a ban on live mink on farms by April 2023, and all operations ceasing completely, with all pelts sold, by 2025. The Fur-Bearers, along with partner agencies, advocates, and animal lovers, celebrated this decision.

However, many animals, including chinchilla, fox, marten and fisher can legally be farmed for their fur in British Columbia. This decision also only applies to British Columbia, meaning that fur farming (including mink and other species) is still active across the country.

The Fur-Bearers are continuing our efforts to educate the public on the risks and inherently inhumane practices of fur farming, while advocating for the permanent ending of fur farming and appropriate supports to transition workers and owners into sustainable, green industries.

Want to learn more about how you can take action to end fur farming in Canada? Click here to see our Fur Farming Action Toolkit!

¹Stratcom poll conducted for the BC SPCA July 14-22, 2022 (n=1,000, margin of error +/-3.5%, 19 times out of 20)

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