New BC Alliance Honours Super Natural Bear Moms

Mother bear and cub in British Columbia.
Photo by Tony Joyce

British Columbia’s iconic mother bears are getting a special Mother’s Day gift from a new alliance dedicated to finding solutions to protect and coexist with bears.

More than two dozen advocacy organizations make up the BC Bear Alliance, which officially launched their website and platform in time for Mother’s Day. The group’s stated mission is to “ensure solidarity among those advocating on behalf of bears such that the alliance’s unified voice is stronger than our individual voices; and that our collective recommendations will enable us to become the foremost authority on human-bear coexistence in BC and as such will ensure that our recommendations are received with respect and given due and careful consideration.”

The BC Bear Alliance is led by member groups and a five-person steering committee, currently made up of co-chairs Sylvia Dolson and Christine Miller, as well as Barb Murray, Lesley Fox and Luci Cadman.

The Fur-Bearers are a founding member group of the BC Bear Alliance.

“Most bears have emerged from hibernation,” says Dolson. “Because bears are extremely adaptable and highly intelligent, they are able to take advantage of landscapes that we humans have dominated. As a result, interactions are common. They don’t have to be negative. Communities right here in British Columbia and around the world have shown people can be as adaptable as our bears.”

The BC Bear Alliance plans to help empower communities and municipalities across the province with coexistence tools, education, and effective enforcement options. Interested residents and communities are encouraged to visit to get updates on these goals.

“Many of us have seen the love and care a mother bear has for her cubs, particularly at this time of year when they’re exploring the spring for the first time,” Dolson says. “Mother’s Day felt like the right time to launch an initiative that seeks to protect one of Super Natural British Columbia’s most Super Natural mothers.”

In the words of Marianne Williamson, “In every advanced mammalian species that survives and thrives, a common anthropological characteristic is the fierce behavior of the adult female when she senses a threat to her cubs.”

Dolson concludes, “while not all women are mothers, we are all responsible for taking care of our home, Mother Earth, and her inhabitants. Today, I am calling upon everyone who understands the importance of mothers in nature to care for and take this responsibility seriously.”

The BCBA will passionately pursue our mission with our team of committed, diverse and talented members from across this province.

More about the BC Bear Alliance as well as opportunities to sign up for updates, take action, or make donations to support BCBA initiatives can be found at

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