New Brunswick aims to control rabies with vaccination program

New Brunswick aims to control rabies with vaccination program

A program to vaccinate raccoons against rabies in New Brunswick is a compassionate way to manage a deadly virus.

According to the CBC, the program, now in its third year, has resulted in a dramatic decrease in cases of confirmed rabies from 24 in 2014, to one in 2016, and three so far in 2018. Bait packs are being air dropped in more rural zones, and hand placed in the larger cities of Saint John and Fredericton.

Ontario also uses a bait vaccination program that has proven successful in the past.

The small green packs are said to have a sweet scent and aren’t harmful to humans or pets. To help this program be successful, whether in New Brunswick, Ontario, or other jurisdictions, please do not interfere with the packs if found, and ensure your pets are up to date on their rabies vaccines.

Vaccinations are a humane, compassionate way to prevent the spread of a disease, and The Fur-Bearers are pleased to see its success taking hold in New Brunswick.

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