According to The Telegram, Viking Furs Inc. wants to expand their operation from Cavendish to include the 165 hectares of land south of the TransCanada Highway.
The area is popular for cabins, with a mix of vacationers and full-time residents surrounding the agricultural land.
“You won’t be able to sit out on your deck because of the flies,” John Deveraux, who owns a cabin near the proposed mink farm, told The Telegram. “You won’t be able to sit out because of the stink. You won’t want to go up if any mink escape, which they often do. That’ll affect the local bird population; it’ll affect poultry farms in the area.”
Viking Furs co-owner Peter Noer said that 20 jobs could be created by the new farm, and his farm – like all other mink farms – is strictly regulated in Canada.
Resident Deveraux, however, noted in his interview with The Telegram that mink farms aren’t something in which Newfoundland and Labrador should be investing.
“We’re a province who claims value in new things and innovative things, but mink farming isn’t either of those things. It’s not new and it’s not innovative,” Deveraux said. “So I don’t think we need to invest and promote in this industry when we could be doing lots of other things that would be better for everyone involved.”
Deveraux doesn’t know how right he is.
Earlier this month, we reported that fur farms in Nova Scotia were receiving a $20,000,000 bail out from the provincial and federal governments due to the plummeting value of pelts and a rampant outbreak of Aleutian disease.
Add to that the global decrease in fur prices and the absolute need for sustainable, environmentally conscientious jobs on Canada’s east coast and there is no reason for Newfoundland and Labrador to promote, invest or protect the fur trade.
Area residents have created this online petition to fight the fur farm. While online petitions do not hold legal bearing in Canada, we are encouraging you, our supporter, to sign it and add your voice to the many opposing this new farm.
You can help us educate consumers and protect fur-bearing animals through our #MakeFurHistory and Living With Wildlife campaigns by donating, becoming a monthly donor or signing up as a member today.