No more fur statistics?

According to Statistics Canada, as of right now, the publication “Fur Statistics” has been “discontinued”. After decades of providing this information, Stats Canada will no longer provide the annual number of furbearing animals that killed in the wild and on fur farms.

This is very concerning as identifying trends in the Canadian fur trade will now become extremely difficult. Also, the public will be in the dark regarding how many species of special concern are being trapped and killed, such as the Western wolverine.

While there have been no reasons given for the cancellation of tracking Canada’s fur statistics, the announcement seems to come just days after Canada’s Environment Minister, the Honourable Peter Kent, had his first meeting with members of the Hunting and Angling Advisory Panel (HAAP). The members of this panel represent a wide collection of hunting, trapping, angling and “conservation organizations” who were appointed in May 2012, following an announcement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Is it possible that this panel is looking to prevent any further opposition to Canada’s fur trade by hiding the annual number of animals killed for their fur? After all, the less information people have, the less likely they are to complain or pose a threat. Our governments lack of transparency is disgraceful.

The last Canadian fur stats that are available are from 2009/2010. They can be found on our website under “Resources“.

Photo: Western wolverine.

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