Ontario election: get out and vote

Ontario election: get out and vote

Ontario is headed to the polls on June 7 – and while The Fur-Bearers won’t tell you for whom to vote, we will tell you to get out and vote.

A brief look at the platforms of the major three parties (Progressive Conservatives, Liberals, New Democrats) do not show any commitments to wildlife or animal-related issues. However, this is a time when candidates and policymakers will be listening. If you’re voting against an incumbent, tell them why (specifically and without malice, if possible). If you’re voting for a candidate, again, tell them why (specifically if possible). Explain what you expect of them as your representative, or what they failed to do as your representative in the past.

Some key issues you can bring up with a candidate, whether in a face-to-face meeting or through an email or phone call include:

  • Proper funding to conservation issues;
  • Increased involvement of non-consumptive users of wildlife and habitat (not hunters or trappers);
  • Transparent investigations and follow up in the fur farm industry;
  • A review of the OSPCA to ensure that enforcement is taking place fairly and without political or economic interference; and,
  • Creation of a proportional representation system in the legislature.

Please take some time to read platforms from the parties, send them emails or ask questions, and, whether it’s in the now-open pre-election voting or on June 7, cast your ballot. Because it’s true: in a democracy, if you don’t use it, you may just lose it.

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