Ontario wants to teach kids to kill

Coyote Head in Conibear
With the support of the Ontario government, children ages 12 to 15 will be taught how to cruelly kill wildlife by two hunting and trapping lobby groups.

In a press statement issued Wednesday, the Ontario Federation of Hunters and Anglers (OFAH) and the Ontario Fur Managers Federation (OFMF) ‘congratulated’ the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) on the introduction of a youth trapping program.

“Trapping is considered an activity of significant historical, social, cultural and economic value in Ontario for centuries, and one that results in economic benefits to the communities and individuals,” said Minister of Natural Resources David Orazietti in the statement. “Ontario trappers have worked tirelessly for many years towards a program like this which will guide youth to be safe and responsible trappers.”

This disturbing news begs the question: why are our tax dollars supporting a trade that most residents abhor? Why are we supporting an activity that is wholly dependent on the suffering of innocent wild animals? And why is history being ignored?

The history of trapping in Canada is not a glorious, character-building activity. It led to the extinction of the sea mink; it nearly destroyed beaver populations across the continent; it has ripped apart ecosystems; and it has caused suffering to immeasurable levels.


We ask MPP Orazietti if he has ever held a dying animal in his arms, looked into its eyes and seen the fear, the pain and terror it must experience while in the clutches of a trap. We ask him if he has sat with the growing number of families who have lost pets to the mindless devices. We ask him if, after making this deal, he has any humanity left.

Send a letter to your local MPP and MPP Orazietti to tell them to end this madness. Tell them the truth behind trapping and the fur trade. And tell them that any politician that supports this archaic and cruel activity will never represent you.

Use our form letter below to let your MPP know what you think. MPP and Minister of Natural Resources David Orazietti can be reached by email, phone, fax, or snail mail with these details:


Room 202, 2nd Floor
432 Great Northern Road
Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6B 4Z9

Phone: 705-949-6959
Fax: 705-946-6269


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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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