OPEN LETTER: Minister Donaldson, there are major problems with this wolf trapping proposal

OPEN LETTER: Minister Donaldson, there are major problems with this wolf trapping proposal

Honourable Doug Donaldson

Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development


Victoria, BC


[email protected]

Re: AHTE Proposed regulation 2018-1-10

Dear Minister Donaldson,

I write on behalf of The Fur-Bearers with concerns regarding a proposed regulatory change to expand wolf trapping season on Vancouver Island.

The proposed change fails to provide the basic data required to support a decision to expand wolf trapping on Vancouver Island. There is no confirmed research on current or recent wolf populations, there is no peer-reviewed research from the anecdotal evidence provided by consumptive-users, and there is no information on current wolf trapping numbers, by-catch/non-target species caught or killed, or how this increased season would impact those numbers.

Additionally, there is no explanation, linked research, or actual rationale to connect the alleged change in wolf populations with the change in deer population.

The lack of information regarding these statements is alarming, and we expect the government to reject this proposal and demand further research before any similar proposals are brought forward.

Further, as a non-profit society with more than 70,000 supporters in British Columbia and across Canada, we received numerous reports of difficulties and frustrations with the online system. While we recognize that this system is meant to streamline the process, it is important that those who have difficulty with digital interfaces be provided accessible solutions – such as a direct email link – to ensure their voices are heard.

We look forward to hearing from you and your Ministry regarding the above concerns regarding the proposed changes to wolf trapping on Vancouver Island, as well as how you hope to improve this process to be more inclusive to all stakeholders, including non-consumptive users of wildlife and outdoor places.

Warmest regards,

Lesley Fox

Executive Director

The Fur-Bearers

Find out more about the proposal and how you can take action by clicking here!

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