Open letter: Saskatchewan beaver beaten to death shows it’s time for change

Dear Premier Wall,

It was with sickening sadness that we read the news of a group of men using a chair to beat to death a beaver late last week.

We have no doubt that your government will work with police to ensure that those involved in this deplorable act of animal cruelty will be swiftly identified, charged, and convicted for their crimes. The Fur-Bearers, a national organization with more than 70,000 supporters, is today contacting Animal Protection Services Saskatchewanto put forward an offer of a reward to assist their efforts to identify the culprits.

Although your government would never condone such actions, we fear that attitudes leading toward such behaviour is endorsed by policy.

Beavers are a keystone species that are essential to healthy ecosystems. They are sentient, family-oriented animals that create and maintain habitats that encourage biodiversity and provide invaluable ecological services to a country that, in many ways, idolizes their hard work and perseverance. But promotion of ongoing beaver culls, and a lack of humane education or compassionate planning options have, even if subconsciously to the public, encouraged the idea that beavers are disposable pests or commodities.

We urge you, Premier Wall, to speak out against these actions, and show the rest of Canada – and the world – that the people of Saskatchewan are compassionate and believe in co-existence.

The Fur-Bearers would be proud to work with you or your office in developing educational materials at no cost on co-existence, compassionate conservation, and science-based policy.


Lesley Fox

Executive Director

The Fur-Bearers

monthly donor(for as little as $5/month – the cost of a single latte) pleaseclick hereand help us save lives today.

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