As part of their polling, Djurens Rätt also determined where on the political spectrum the respondents fall. Sweden, unlike Canada and the United States, has several major political parties, all of which play a role in their legislature.
Translated statements from Djurens Rätt show that 78 per cent of those polled in Sweden said no to the question “Do you think it should be allowed to breed minks in cages for fur production?” Of the several parties represented through the polled voters, the Christian Democrats were least opposed, with 60 per cent responding no, and the Green Party had the most opposition, at 91 per cent saying no.
This data will be invaluable to Djurens Rätt as they seek to end fur farming in Sweden – particularly prior to their next election, when they will be able to show parties what their dollar-donating, vote-casting, career-making members really think.
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