Quiet, but not quite silent: fireworks displays change for the animals

Quiet, but not quite silent: fireworks displays change for the animals

Movement away from big bang firework displays for Canada Day in Banff and Canmore is being celebrated by animal lovers across the country – and it’s an example that other municipalities, regardless of proximity to sensitive areas, should be following.

The Globe and Mail detailed the changes by the two Alberta communities, and included an important list of why traditional firework shows can be harmful to ecosystems.

“We wanted to minimize the impact on wildlife in the townsite and obviously the surrounding national park, as loud fireworks can be stressful to them,” Deputy Mayor Corrie DiManno told The Globe and Mail. “And for us, moving to special-effect pyrotechnics helps us to walk the talk, so to speak. We consider ourselves leaders in this area of environmental preservation so we wanted to make sure that we were doing all we can.”

Large fireworks displays can also be hazardous to pets, and people who may suffer from PTSD or other anxiety disorders.

Quiet, but not quite silent

While The Fur-Bearers want to congratulate Banff and Canmore for their efforts, some social media spinoff from the news has indicated “silent fireworks” are available – and, unfortunately, they are not. Snopes.com, the fact checking website, indicates that the concept of silent fireworks stems from an article published in 2015.

“The local government has introduced new legislation forcing citizens to use silent fireworks as a way of respecting the animals and reducing the stress caused them,” the original article states.

Snopes factcheckers recognized that the term “silent” was misleading.

“…reports about ‘silent fireworks’ are less about the development of new noiseless products and more about how some towns are focusing on putting on quieter displays. These shows range from nearly silent displays featuring large sparklers, fountains, and roman candles, to aerial shows that employ most everything other than the massively loud aerial ‘skyrocket’ shells,” Snopes.com concluded.

Update: Community uses drones in lieu of fireworks!

While truly silent fireworks aren’t available, those communities who are taking steps to reduce the stress on wildlife, pets, and people by using quiet firework displays should be applauded.

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