Raccoons injured by leg-hold traps in urban Vancouver

Two raccoons are recovering from injuries caused by leg-hold traps after being found in the greater Vancouver area – and The Fur-Bearers wants to know who’s behind these horrific acts.

The Wildlife Rescue Association of British Columbia (WRA) notified The Fur-Bearers of both these incidents after the raccoons were transferred to their care today – an older male with significant injuries from two leg-hold traps who was picked up by the BC SPCA, and a younger female who had minor injuries from a single trap that was found by a resident who contacted WRA directly.

The older male has at least one broken toe as well as a major laceration on his back left paw from one trap, and bruising and swelling on both his front paws from the other (the trap was located on his front right paw). He also suffered broken teeth, likely from trying to remove the trap himself. The younger female slipped her back right paw out of the leg-hold trap, and her injuries are of a minor nature. Both are expected to recover and be released after a stay at Critter Care Wildlife Society.

The male raccoon was found west of where a skunk who was injured by a similar leg-hold trap in August of this year was caught, and the female was found further north than the male.

While leg-hold traps are legal, the type used in both instances are of an older design, and fall well within the regulation requiring a 200 metre setback from a dwelling in British Columbia.

The Fur-Bearers are again offering two rewards of $1,000 to anyone who can provide information leading to the identification and conviction of the person(s) responsible for each of these instances. Anyone with information should contact the Report All Poachers and Polluters line at 1-877-952-7277.

It is understandable that residents become frustrated when they come into conflict with wildlife on their property. But the use of inherently inhumane devices like leg-hold traps is never a solution, ethically or practically.

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