It’s finally upon us: Compassionate Conservation Week!
Our new webinar series is launching September 20 and we want you to be a part of it! For four days we’ll be (digital) playing host to some of the best and brightest as they discuss subjects related to the new realm of compassionate conservation. And to headline it all, we’re bringing in one of the people who knows the field best: Dr. Marc Bekoff!
This digital evolution of our Living With Wildlife conference will bring together scientists, advocates, rehabilitators, and other experts from across North America to discuss the latest information in their fields with people from all over the world. And all YOU need to take part is a computer with an internet connection!
We have 11 great speakers lined up (see below for details) over the four-day period, all of whom will be presenting through web-based webinar software – it’s like attending a live seminar from your couch (or office, desk, kitchen, etc.)! And to make it even sweeter of an event, if you register now and can’t attend live, you’ll be able to watch a recording the next week!
We’d love to have you join us and learn how compassionate conservation can change the world – starting with each one of us! Just click hereto register. The $30 fee-by-donation will give you access to every single webinar, plus their recordings – and even better, it will make you a member of The Fur-Bearers for a full year!
Early bird admission is $25 (available until Tuesday, September 13)!
Recordings of all webinars will be made available to all registrants via email on Friday, September 30. Times subject to change. Please note the time zone designations.
Coyote Hazing & Co-Flourishing Lesley Sampson, Coyote Watch Canada Tuesday, Sept. 20, 12 pm EST (9 am PST)
Compassionate Conservation with Dr. Marc Bekoff Dr. Marc Bekoff Tuesday, Sept. 20, 4 pm EST (1 pm PST)
Compassionate Man: Redefining Masculinity Nick Coughlin Tuesday, Sept. 20, 9 pm EST (6 pm PST)
Hands On or Hands Off: Guide to Wildlife Rescuing Janelle VanderBeek, Wildlife Rescue Assoc. of BC Wednesday, Sept. 21, 12 pm EST (9 am PST)
Daily Tools for Preventing Compassion Fatigue Kate Howie, Concurrent Disorders Outreach Counsellor Wednesday, Sept. 21, 9 pm EST (6 pm PST)
Urban Deer webinar Dr. Erin McCance, University of Manitoba/EcoLogic Thursday, Sept. 22, 12 pm EST (9 am PST)
Coyote Perceptions Dr. Shelley Alexander, University of Calgary Thursday, Sept. 22, 4 pm EST (1 pm PST)
Compassionate Conservation Starts at School Dr. Elisabeth Ormandy, Animals in Science Policy Inst. Thursday, Sept. 22, 9 pm EST (6 pm PST)
Defining Humane in Wildlife Policy Dr. Sara Dubois, BC SPCA Friday, Sept. 23, 12 pm EST (9 am PST)
Wildlife Planning for Municipalities Donna Doyle, Town of Oakville Friday, Sept. 23, 2 pm EST (11 am PST)
Getting Compassionate Coverage Dr. Carrie Packwood Freeman, Georgia State Uni. Friday, September 23, 4 pm EST (1 pm PST)
We can't wait to "see" you there! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].