Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help mitigate some of this stress – and keep your furry (those in your home and those outside) safe on Canada Day.
- Know the local laws. If you or your family members are going to use fireworks, make sure you stay within the local requirements for times and volume. Dog owners who have sensitive pets will frequently try to work around this to make sure their dogs get a bathroom break, and it also ensures that wild animals can start to relax before they settle in for the night (or wake up to go foraging).
- Take precautions for pets. Make sure all of your pets have appropriate tags or microchips, and if they go outside when fireworks may still be active, keep them leashed (even in a fenced yard). July 5th (the day after Independence Day) is the busiest day of the year for most shelters in the United States, and we imagine there are similar statistics for July 2nd in Canada.
- Accommodate frightened animals. Pets who want to hide under a bed or in their bed should be allowed to do so, and you can consider using white noise or soft classical music to help mitigate the noise of fireworks. Additionally, be aware that wild animals may seek refuge in unusual places during these events, such as sheds, under decks, or even behind wood piles. Let them stay the night or into the next day, when they will feel more safe.
- Consider alternatives. From silent fireworks like those used in an Italian town, to sparklers, to coyote howling or star gazing, there are other great ways to celebrate our nation and freedoms on July 1st with your family that won’t impact animals as much as fireworks.
Most of all, please stay safe on Canada Day and the long weekend – the animals will need you on Monday!
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