The picture book, illustrated by John Moriarty and published by Green Bamboo Publishing, follows the adorable story Cabanaw witnessed through photos at the animal sanctuary, once a single watermelon was placed on the ground.
Animals of varying species – who likely wouldn’t ever have known each other outside of the refuge setting – come together to share in the delicious treat. While it may be unfathomable to an adult to consider a dog and a turtle sharing a juicy watermelon, it’s beautifully illustrated in Watermelon Party, and Cabanaw even included photos of the namesake-event at the back of the book.
In addition to being a lovely tale of sharing and friendship, proceeds from the sale of the book are donated to animal-related charity, bringing the acts of kindness full circle.
Watermelon Party is available from the Green Bamboo Publishing website as a hardcover ($15) or paperback ($10). An electronic copy is expected to be made available soon.