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Rising outdoor use will mean more danger to families from traps

jogging injured trap snare
A series of British runners are on the mend after being caught in legally-set snares – and everywhere traps are used, these kinds of incidents will likely rise.

Canadians, Americans and people across Europe are getting into nature more these days. The health, educational and emotional benefits of outdoor recreation are clear. But the dangers – those created by the greed and ignorance of the fur industry – remain hidden to many.

Throughout Nova Scotia, dogs were caught, injured and sometimes killed by legally set snares. In North Carolina, an 12-year-old boy was injured by a Conibear set around a park. And straight across Canada, outdoor enthusiasts are coming across animals – both domestic and wild – maimed or killed by traps in publicly accessible areas.

The Fur-Bearers brought up these very concerns at a House of Commons committee hearing in April. They were summarily dismissed by trappers, the fur industry and our elected officials. But that does not magically remove the dangers posed to joggers, hikers, photographers, bird watchers and even just urban families out for walk in natural settings.

With your ongoing support as a monthly donor, we can continue our work of educating communities about these dangers, developing by-laws and non-lethal solutions for municipalities, and saving the lives of wild families across Canada.

With your support, we can teach everyone in Canada how to live with wildlife, and end the suffering of fur-bearing animals.

Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada that is truly fur-free.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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