Shocking simply solution saves homeowners from wildlife conflict

Raccoons are amazingly ingenious, family-oriented critters who can be found in cities straight across Canada. Though their adorableness is apparent to us, some homeowners don’t like the potentially destructive qualities of these urban carnivores. And one West Coast family has found a solution that keeps everyone happy.

Vancouver Sun columnist Steve Whysall wrote about Richmond couple Cherie and Stuart Corrigal, who were fed up with the local raccoons’ interest in their garden.

“The final straw for Cherie Corrigal was the day she found that raccoons had taken the beautiful ceramic koi from her pond and smashed them into a dozen pieces,” wrote Whysall. “Cherie and her husband Stuart had been battling raccoons for quite a time before this. Every night, the creatures came to the Corrigals’ little Japanese-style garden and ripped up the ground in search of grubs.”

That’s when the Corrigals did something that, retrospectively, seems rather obvious: they got rid of the lawn.

Cherie admittedly doesn’t use the lawn the way other families may – it’s mostly ornamental, a part of their beloved garden. An artificial turf is now providing the homeowners with the healthy, green lawn look they like, without the wildlife-attracting qualities of actual grass and sod.

While we at The Fur-Bearers love seeing wildlife around our neighbourhoods, some people don’t. And this high-quality, artificial turf is another tool in the toolbox for those who want to avoid having animals hang around their backyards.

Work like our growing Living With Wildlife campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada that is truly fur-free.

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