Simple solutions help make Maple Ridge a little more Bear Smart

Learning to live with wildlife isn’t often difficult – but it does take a bit of political will, and an educated public. Fortunately, Maple Ridge, B.C., has both of those at the ready.

The Maple Ridge Times reported that the municipality has approved a subsidy to help get 400 bear-resistant organic waste bins to residents. The retail value of each container is $200 – but with the bulk purchasing of the containers, that prices is reduced to $150 each, and Maple Ridge is offering a $50 subsidy for the first 400 bins, making them available for the low price of $100.

“Every year, hundreds of bears are destroyed as a result of getting into garbage or organic bins,” Dan Mikolay, Wildsafe BC coordinator for Maple Ridge told The Maple Ridge Times. “These bear-resistant bins, when properly used, discourage bears from seeking food sources in residential areas.”

The bins are designed with reinforced lids and locking mechanisms and will help address the root cause of human bear conflict – attractants.

Maple Ridge is well on their way to achieving Bear Smart status – and they deserve applause for working toward a future where they will co-exist with the non-human animals in their communities.

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