As president of the Invermere Deer Protection Society (IDPS) and founding member of the BC Deer Protection Coalition, I am writing to ask for your support to help us put a stop to culling of deer in BC. We have stopped the killing in BC for now with our petition in BC Supreme Court against the District of Invermere (DOI). The goal of our petition is to overturn one particular bylaw in Invermere. We are confident our success will force the BC government and municipalities to adapt humane wildlife management policies as well as to consult with communities before any lethal action is taken.
In the fall of 2011 a deer cull program was brought to BC from Helena, Montana. The BC government supplied the equipment – clover traps and bolt guns – and permitted municipalities to begin killing deer. The City of Cranbrook started with a pilot project in November 2011 slaughtering 25 animals using the cruel method. The City of Kimberley followed shortly with a full blown massacre by randomly killing 99 deer in January 2012.
In February 2012, Invermere was on course to proceed with their permit to kill 100 deer. Interest in deer culling soon spread to more communities including the Victoria region, Penticton, Fernie and others. On February 9th 2012, IDPS derailed Invermere plans by obtaining an injunction from the BC Supreme Court. Sadly, our injunction was not extended and DOI proceeded to kill as many as possible in the short time remaining in the permit. Nineteen deer died in the backyards and public areas of Invermere.
A short time later, we were successful in defeating the District of Invermere application for dismissal of our lawsuit. On hearing this news, other communities put their plans to cull deer on hold awaiting the outcome of the lawsuit.
We are thankful that our action stopped the culling of deer in BC for now. But it is critical to complete our lawsuit to reverse this trend that encourages negative attitudes toward all wildlife. Municipalities must stop killing deer. They are misguided in their futile, doomed attempt to appease some citizens. They are offering false assurance they can reduce exaggerated risks that are not within their control or responsibility. This situation is new for Canadians! Our success in BC will likely form precedent for the safety of Canadian wildlife in other communities. The outcome of our action will determine the fate of deer in Invermere and across the province.
IDPS needs funding to see this lawsuit through. We are a new, small society in a small community and so far IDPS needs funding to see this lawsuit through. We are a new, small society in a small community and so far we’ve paid for our legal action out of our own pockets. Please consider sending a donation to the following address:
Invermere Deer Protection Society
1017 13th Avenue
Invermere BC
V0A 1K4
If paying by cheque, please make it payable to “Invermere Deer Protection Society”. We also accept online credit card donations through PayPal on our www.invermeredeer.com
Please let others know of our situation and our desire to keep BC a place where we value and live in harmony with wildlife. Thank you for your support and for whatever amount you can donate now. Please watch for an update on the status of this important lawsuit in February 2013.
Devin Kazakoff, President
Invermere Deer Protection Society