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Stella McCartney releases bio-based faux fur

Stella McCartney releases bio-based faux fur

Fashion designer Stella McCartney has released a bio-based faux fur, effectively closing what is known as the ‘fashion loop’ and ensuring less waste in the future. reported this week that the animal-friendly designer teamed up with Ecopel and Dupont Biomaterials to create the innovative faux fur.

“The new Koba® Fur-Free Fur by Ecopel is made with recycled polyester and up to 100 percent DuPont™ Sorona® plant-based fibers, creating the first commercially available faux furs using bio-based ingredients Koba — the collection of which ranges from classic mink styles to plush, teddy-style fur — can be recycled at the end of its long life, helping to keep ensure it never ends up as waste and closes the fashion loop,” the article says. “It’s 37 percent plant-based Sorona material means that it consumes up to 30 percent less energy and produces up to 63 percent less greenhouse gas than conventional synthetics.”

“Stella McCartney has led the industry that is now increasingly moving away from the use of animal-based furs, and this collaboration allows both her cruelty-free and sustainability values to go hand in hand,”Renee Henze, Global Marketing Director at DuPont Biomaterials, said in a statement according to “With KOBA® faux fur, we expect to see the use of bio-based materials gain even greater use and acceptance in the textile and fashion industry.”

While fur once was necessary for warmth, the creation of new materials – both those used for fashionable purposes like faux fur, and those used for functional purposes – has rendered fur obsolete for most of the world. The Fur-Bearers are excited to see what other innovations come from the fashion world that will help Make Fur History.

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