Very soon, the cruel and ecologically damaging fur industry will have Harper’s ear (they essentially have had his ear all along, but now it’s official).
The “Hunting and Angling Advisory panel” is quite concerning to groups such as ours because federal policies related to the environment and protecting animals, are sure to take a turn for the worst.
Photo: Harmless Harper? Run cat, run!
Even more grim, Harper seems to be on a real bender, taking every opportunity he can to demonstrate his hate-on for environmental groups (and feel free to lump animal protection groups into that category too).
In case you missed it, recently the Tories revised Canada’s anti-terrorism legislation to add environmental groups as a threat. He also recently denounced environmentalists (including Canadian hero David Suzuki) as “extremists” funded by “foreign money”.
As if right-wing charitable groups don’t accept foreign money?
According to reports, the Fraser Institute received $500,000 between 2007 and 2010 from Koch Industry, a U.S. based oil conglomerate that has taking a leading role in blocking global climate action.
Basically, Harper is paranoid that U.S. charitable foundations are giving money to Canadian groups who oppose the things Harper loves such as oil tankers, the Northern Gateway Project and Alberta’s tar sands. It’s no secret Harper has a love affair with oil, even if it does come at the expense of our environment and arguably democracy itself.
With a majority government, Harper has become a runaway train on an incredibly destructive path that clearly needs to be stopped.
So, now what?
Now, environmental and animal protection groups must work together, like never before, combining our best resources to give us an even louder voice. It will take the full participation of everyone who cares about our natural world and all of its inhabitants. We can no longer sit comfortably eating Cheetos on the couch. Apathy only fuels the Harper regime.