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Store-bought traps: the trouble isn’t in the brand, it’s in the design

Store-bought traps: the trouble isn’t in the brand, it’s in the design

Traps designed to capture and incapacitate or kill animals do just that – and the results can be horrific. Ontario resident Jessie Wall and her family experienced that first hand after a “sticky” wasp trap caught and killed several small birds at their home.

The upsetting images and story went viral on Facebook, prompting multiple media outlets to cover it – and eventually, retailer The Real Canadian Superstore to pull the product responsible from their shelves. Though it is a positive step for a retailer to respond in such a way, the trouble isn’t in the brand, it’s in the design.

Talk to anyone who has spent any time at a wildlife rehabilitation centre, an SPCA or humane society, or even a veterinary office, and they’ll have horror stories of glue or snap traps. The Fur-Bearers have covered these issues before, like this time when small bats flew into a similar-styled glue trap (graphic images), and this time when a raccoon suffered immensely before being humanely euthanized after getting their paw crushed in a rat trap (graphic images).

These devices are put out by people frustrated by insects, or small animals in and around their homes. But the devastation they can cause – without clear warning or visual explanation by manufacturers and retailers – is rarely understood.

Please speak to your local retailers and ask them to create warning labels or remove glue traps and large snap traps from their shelves. Nothing deserves to suffer like this.

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