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Sweden shuts down mink breeding until 2022

An American mink in the wild. Photo by Hawk Buckman / Getty Images

The Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) is effectively shutting down the nations’ farmed mink industry until it is confident risks from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have passed.

On their website, the Board of Agriculture says that their decision to ban the mating of minks from January 27, 2021 through December 31, 2021, is aimed at protecting humans and animals during the pandemic.

“On 23 October 2020, the first case of SARS-CoV-2 was found on mink, on a mink farm in Blekinge. During the autumn, infection was confirmed in a total of 13 herds. In light of this, the Swedish Board of Agriculture has decided to ban mating on the country’s mink farms in 2021,” reads a translated press release from the Board’s website. “Under current conditions, it is inappropriate from an infection control point of view to increase the number of minks in the country through, for example, puppies. The ban also applies to increasing the number of minks in other ways, for example through imports. The breeding animals that remain after the autumn fur may remain.”

As of January 27, 2021, the Government of Canada has made no remarks or decisions regarding fur farming and the multiple outbreaks of the coronavirus on B.C. fur farms.

To have your voice heard about fur farming in Canada you can:

  • Take action regarding the proposed changes to the codes of practice for mink by clicking here.
  • Sign ePetition 3096 to ask the House of Commons to end fur farms in Canada
  • Use this tool to contact your B.C. MLA and decision makers to end fur farming in B.C.
  • Become a monthly supporter of The Fur-Bearers by clicking here

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