Taking a Stance

By Suzanne L, Ottawa

I recently worked in a retail store where we processed clothing as well as other things. Part of the clothing, includes real fur. When I first started this job, I didn’t let it get to me, because I was working. As time went by, I became more educated in the way some of these companies, more specifically CANADA GOOSE, traps and treats the animals.

First of all, no one on this planet will ever be able to convince me that killing an animal just to put fur trim on the hood of a coat, is warranted. That’s why faux fur exists. So as time went by, I made it perfectly clear that I will NOT do any orders that have REAL fur. And as far as I knew, it wasn’t a problem, because those orders could be given to someone else, and I would just do a different order. Canada Goose isn’t the only company, but they’re the ones I’m using to speak about this.

On August 3rd, I was working at this store in the warehouse, which is where I work. My co-worker and I were working on a clothing order from another company, when my “team leader” placed an order of Canada Goose in front of our work bench, signalling that’s the order he wanted done after we’re done the one we were working on. My Co-worker mentioned that I need to do my job, and forget about the fur. She went on about how putting real fur on a hood keeps your face from freezing and faux fur doesn’t. The “discussion” got heated, so we both decided to stop and just work. The other co-worker that came in, sensed there was tension, and she asked what was going on. She actually accused me of having a political agenda!

I finally said enough is enough, I can’t take this anymore, so I gave her a hug, hugged my other co-worker and left. I cried all the way home, because I knew that it was closed minded people like her, which are murdering our animals without a care.

I told him if he could keep me and just not give me orders with fur that would be good. They didn’t want me anymore. Despite the fact that I was told I was the hardest worker in the warehouse, and I was told that the clothing department specifically asked the warehouse manager for me to do certain orders because they knew it would be done right and done fast.

But they accepted my resignation, just like that.

Shows me and everyone else that as per usual, it’s all about the bottom line: the almighty dollar. Doesn’t matter how hard I worked, or how well – it’s the fact that I refused to touch real fur.

Oh well, their loss -because now I have all the time in the world to help animals from people like this!!!


Please download our anti-fur brochures to distribute here: thefurbearers.com/resources/activists or email [email protected] to have a packet mailed to you.

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