"It's not, to me,just about the pets," Mauro said in an interview with the CBC. "It's also about young children that could be walking with their families on the trails.I just want to look into it.I think it's a legitimate issue."
Of course, Mauro’s statements were immediately met with harsh criticism from trappers – but we’d expect no less.
For a long, long time, the Ontario MNR and Mauro himself have ignored the outcry over trapping practices in this province. Letters, petitions and even press releases directed at him were wiped away. But now that he’s decided to listen, we’re going to be abundantly clear: it’s about time that these archaic regulations be updated with the true majority of Canadians at heart, not the minority made up of trappers.
We’ve sent out a press release across the province and are asking you, our stalwart supporters, to contact your local newspaper and share it with them, too. Tell them that this news release represents your views and you’d like to see it covered.
This is an opportunity for us to finally get some basic changes – and we’ve got to grab that opportunity and speak up for the fur-bearers.
Work like our growing Make Fur History campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $10 a month – and help us Make Fur History.