The Fur-Bearers ask residents to call in tips on Mississauga snares

Peel police investigating after eleven snares found in urban park, one coyote was injured and another killed.

The Fur-Bearers is asking anyone with information regarding snares set in an urban park in Mississauga, Ontario, to contact Peel Crime Stoppers at 905-455-8477.

According to media reports the snares were found near the historic Leslie Log House in Hewick Meadows Park (near Mississauga Road and Highway 403). The trails and park were not closed during the investigation, but police have asked via media outlets that residents give them space while they search for more snares and potential evidence.

The Fur-Bearers have often put forward rewards for information leading to arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for such cases, but after a conversation with Peel Crime Stoppers (who are working with investigators) it was decided to simply put out the need for information to be submitted to the anonymous tip line – with potential cash rewards of up to $2,000.

The motivation and objectives of whomever set the trap cannot be known until the individual is apprehended – and even then, we may never know if they were targeting coyotes, other wildlife, or pets. What we do know is that a newswire article on coyote pelt prices being high due to demand from companies like Canada Goose was widely circulated; that killing contests and culls of coyotes and other wildlife are being protected and at times promoted by governments; and that, as of the writing of this blog, young people identified cruelly torturing and maiming a coyote on video have not had any charges against them revealed to the public.

When all that stands in the way of doing this legally in many potentially urban and often publicly accessible areas around the country is a weekend class and a government application, and industries supporting the vicious and inhumane killing of these intelligent creatures with photos of coyote carcass piles on social media, we cannot be shocked when some decide to take it into their own hands.

Please contact Peel Crime Stoppers at 905-455-8477 or online at with any information on this case to help find justice for the coyote injured and the coyote killed by inhumane snares and support our call to ban snares across the country at

pleaseclick hereand help us save lives today.

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