‘The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife’ a must read for advocates and environmentalists

'The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife' a must read for advocates and environmentalists

Wildlife management is much more than science. While the ones and zeros of mathematical models matter, how we treat the wild animals who call our nation home is an issue deeply seated in philosophy, politics, history, and bureaucratic processes. And Dr. Max Foran is calling it out.

In his new book, The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife, published April 2018 by McGill-Queen’s University Press, Dr. Foran explores every aspect of wildlife management – from ancient philosophy to the killing of wolves in British Columbia in a failed bid to protect endangered caribou. His fact-based approach doesn’t curry favour with current policy makers and challenges the status quo in a way that we as a society desperately need.

The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife is a treasure trove of insight into a complex system from a professional researcher. It is possibly the most in-depth presentation of Canadian wildlife management available and in a language accessible to non-academic readers.

LISTEN NOW: Dr. Max Foran on the Defender Radio Podcast

While facts and arguments are laid out clearly, the passion Dr. Foran has for this project can be quickly uncovered in his commentary and heard plainly in his voice when speaking of the book. The book is dedicated to his late wife, Heather MacEwan Foran, an animal advocate in her own right. She was the one who asked Dr. Foran to write the book and to tackle the issues facing Canadian wildlife. Tragically, she passed in the months leading to its publication.

If you read one book on wildlife this year, make it The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife. Dr. Max Foran has objectively left a mark on the world through his academic and published works, his family, and activism. But this book is a gift to all wildlife advocates and animal lovers – and we will treasure it as such.

You can purchase The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife from McGill-Queen’s University Press, Amazon.ca, or your local book seller.

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