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The times, they are a changin’ (and they’re looking fur-free)

coyote  sad - daniel j cox
It’s been an exciting week for fur-free advocates! This past weekend, West Hollywood, California (WeHo) saw its ban on the sale of fur go into effect, making it the very first city in the US to ban the sale of furs including shoes, hats, and gloves lined with fur trim. Violators will now be subject to a fine, starting at $250.

Anyone who knows West Hollywood’s history as the “humane capital” of the US won’t necessarily be surprised by the ban (past ordinances include banning cat declawing, exotic animal performances, and regulations for caged chickens), but it is a highly exciting victory not only for WeHo, but also for the precedent it sets for other cities in the US, and beyond.

And that’s not the only good news! As we reported earlier this week, after 100 years of business, Vancouver-based Pappas Furs —celebrated as a fur industry flagship— is closing its doors. And another fur store that had been in business in Windsor, Ontario for decades was spotted with a beautiful “For Lease” sign in the window.

And THAT’S not the only good news either! Thanks to the incredible work of the Vancouver Animal Defense League, Hill’s of Kerrisdale has agreed to stop selling Canada Goose products (famous for their use of coyote fur.) They even adopted a fur-free policy, and are no longer listed on the Canada Goose list of retailers.

The times they are a changin’. And the fur industry knows it.


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