Time is running out: tell BC to leave the Peace Region bears and wolves alone

Bears and wolves are in the crosshairs of the BC government, and your time to have your voice hard is running out.

Changes to hunting and trapping are being proposed in the Peace Region of the pacific province, which would remove all bag limits from wolves and triple the number of grizzlies allowed to be killed. Until December 31, 2015, residents of BC have the opportunity to formally comment in an online forum. There are also ways to get involved for Canadians and international wildlife lovers, too, all noted below.

Comment through proposal process

This is likely the most effective manner through which residents of BC can comment and make a difference in both the wolf and bear proposals of the Peace Region. By clicking here for bears and here for wolves you can read the proposals and, once you’ve registered, comment. Please do read the proposal rationale at the bottom of each page so you can clearly note that you have concerns with the theorized population data, as well as the lack of ethical debate leading up to this proposal. If you’re having trouble logging in, or aren’t sure where to start in writing your comment, our friends at Pacific Wild have a great blog outlining details on both of these issues.

Write your MLA

As a resident of BC, you have a representative in the provincial legislature. Even if their politics and yours don’t necessarily match, your vote and potential donor status to their party means your voice matters. You can find your MLA and how to contact them by clicking here. You should also send them a copy of your proposal comment.

Write the Premier

Our feelings about the Premier of British Columbia are likely similar to your own – but a letter to Premier Christy Clark still counts as an official communication, and will be logged as such. Residents from BC, other Canadian jurisdictions, or around the world, should all be communicating with the Premier’s office to express their disappointment as taxpayers or potential visitors (aka tourists). You can find all sorts of ways to communicate with her by clicking here.

Get involved with The Fur-Bearers

We can tell more people about these issues, file more Freedom of Information Act requests, and get more meetings with potential legislative allies, because of members and monthly donors. And the greater our numbers, the greater our influence when we speak to the media or policymakers on these and other issues. Click here to join us (any donation of $25 or above), or make a monthly or one-time donation.

Whatever you're able to do in the coming days, it will help. It will historically be known as one more time that we, as a society, stood up and said that every animal matters.

Work like our growing Living With Wildlife campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada that is truly fur-free.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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