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Toronto to consider urban coyote policy

Toronto city councillor, Glenn De Baeremaeker, is pursuing a ban on feeding and killing urban coyotes. He is also interested in implementing licensing requirements for wildlife removal companies. At a recent city licensing committee meeting, De Baeremaeker requested that staff present a report on Toronto’s wildlife policies. The report is expected to come forward to Toronto City Council this Fall.

Just last month Toronto police shot and killed a coyote that was roaming around Cabbagetown. De Baeremaeker believes that such incidents are preventable and education is paramount.

Concerns were also raised on whether companies that remove raccoons and other wildlife from people’s attics and homes should be licensed. As it stands, anyone in the city of Toronto can start a wildlife control company with no experience, knowledge or training.

Our Association along with Coyote Watch Canada, applauds these initiatives and hopes such policies will be adopted.


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